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    by Marie Rochelle
    "When I found out you had overheard me on the phone
    with Josh I hated myself more than you could ever imagine.
    Then when I learned you signed over all the Luscious Lips
    stocks to me I knew I lost you, and it killed me.
    "My only goal then was to win you back and prove my
    undying love for you. I would have given up everything for
    you to smile at me the way you used to. Can you let me
    slowly earn your love and trust back? Will you let me show
    you that I'm good enough to be your husband and father of
    your children? Will you marry me?"
    * * * *
    Craig stood with Shea enveloped in his arms while he
    waited for her to answer his questions, but she just stood
    there staring up at him with those big brown eyes. Memories
    of his past with Olivia came back full force, and it was scaring
    the shit out of him.
    What if he waited too long? What if she was too hurt by
    the vicious things he had said about her and she wouldn't
    take him back. He wouldn't let the love of his life slip through
    his fingers like this. He would find a way to get through to
    her. He had come too far to fail like this.
    No, he would fight tooth and nail to get Shea back in his
    life because he didn't want to spend another lonely holiday
    without her love. The lonely Thanksgiving he spent alone a
    few days ago shook him to the core.
    "Baby, say something," he urged, running his hands up
    and down her back. "You can't leave me hanging like this."
    "I don't know what you say."
    All the Fixin'
    by Marie Rochelle
    "Do you love me?" he asked.
    "I've loved you for a very long time, Craig, and you know
    that. I think the whole town knows that."
    Yes! Yes! His mind screamed silently. All wasn't lost if Shea
    loved him then his careless words hadn't ruined everything,
    but he still sensed something was holding Shea back.
    "What's wrong?"
    "Craig, I wanted to have my own success before I got
    married to any man, and now that dream is gone. I found the
    perfect house for my bed and breakfast only to lose it. I want
    to marry you more than anything in this world, but I want us
    to be equal. I don't want you to be the one taking care of
    everything, or have the job you love going to every morning,"
    Shea confessed. "Do you understand that I want to make my
    own mark in this world, too?"
    Is that the only thing she's worried about? Craig thought,
    hugging Shea even closer to his body. "Shea, I know how
    independent you are, but you're going to have to let your
    pride go and accept help from the people who love you."
    "I know and I'm going to work on that," Shea breathed
    into his chest, making his blood sizzle in his veins.
    "So, let me ask you again, and this time I want a yes or no
    answer." He moved back from Shea and smiled down into her
    face. "Will you please marry me and be my partner for life?"
    Grinning, Shea brushed her tears away with her gloved
    covered hand. "Yes, I would love to marry you and spend the
    rest of my life with you."
    All the Fixin'
    by Marie Rochelle
    Yelling at the top of his lungs, Craig planted a long, wet
    kiss on her mouth until neither of them had the energy to
    move away.
    "We better leave or we might not be able to make it to the
    car," Shea sighed, trailing the tips of her fingers down the
    side of his face.
    "I can make it anywhere as long as I have you right beside
    me," he muttered, kissing the corner of her swollen mouth,
    "but I have something I want to give you first."
    "Oh, I can feel what you want to give me," she teased,
    pressing her lower body to his, "however, I don't think this is
    the proper place for it."
    Craig groaned low in his throat, then, took a step back
    from the sexy bundle tempting the hell out of him. "I'll take
    you up on that later, the future Mrs. Clark; however, I want
    you to have this now. Consider it an early wedding gift.
    Reaching into his coat pocket, he pulled out a thick
    envelope and handed it to Shea. He loved the look of surprise
    on her face. "Here take this. I hope it will make a few things
    clearer for you."
    "What is this?"
    "Why don't you open it and find out?" he suggested.
    He didn't have to tell her a second time, because Shea's
    small fingers ripped open the envelope and took out the
    contents. The excitement on her face made her eyes shine
    like new penny. Craig waited patiently while Shea read over
    the documents several times before her eyes jumped back up
    to his.
    All the Fixin'
    by Marie Rochelle
    "When did you do this?" she gasped, waving the paper in
    front of her. "How did you have enough time to get something
    like this done? Is this for real?"
    "Right after I got your journal from Pierre and read the
    note of the top," he confessed. "I have connections and I
    couldn't let you give up on your dreams."
    "I'm really going to have my bed and breakfast, plus all
    the stocks and money from Luscious Lips?" Shea asked again,
    still in shock from his surprise. "Are you sure that you want to
    give all of that money up?"
    "Baby, I never wanted to be owner of a cosmetics chain,
    and my aunt knew that. I think she only did that to get the
    two of us together. We can hire someone to be the CEO for
    us," he replied as his body felt the temperature start to drop
    around them.
    "Besides, I thought it might be fun for us to have a place
    to escape to if our day gets too hard. However, since it will be
    ours we can close it down anytime we want and make love in
    every room."
    "Darling, I like how your mind thinks," she exclaimed. "I
    can't wait until I make you mine."
    "Shea, I was yours the second I saw you climb out of my [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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