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    The latest craze was some erotic vampire fantasy. Who knew what was next? Magical
    Knights? Lords of Sex? Where would it end?
    "I'm completely crushed by this," he drawled, teasingly.
    Kokol patted his firm thigh. "Don't take it personally Cat. You are a magnificent lover. But a
    6000!! I always prayed that one day I might come across one. It's a true rogue's fantasy! To
    enjoy the booty of the booty and still have it increase in value." She lowered her lashes
    "If I live forever, I will never understand women." Wildcat remarked drolly as he observed her
    kittenish demeanor.
    A whisp of a chortle tickled the atmosphere.
    Wildcat snorted softly.
    "I thought you said you wanted the Heart of the Merchandiser in exchange for Wildcat?"
    Lucky was still trying to hold firm against Kokol as they haggled over her brother's future.
    Kokol perked up at the mention of the famous jewel. "Do you actually have the miadne
    "Um, not yet."
    Kokol folded her arms across her ample chest. "Then I want the android! Actually, I want the
    android anyway. At this point, he is nonnegotiable."
    Lucky switched off the sound and turned regrettably to Kerreth. "I think I'm going to have to
    agree to this, Slick. I can't budge her. I can't help it; I have no other choice."
    "You can't be serious, Red. We have a& a history going."
    That sounded lame even to him. He looked at the screen and grimaced as Kokol ran her
    tongue over her pointed teeth.
    He shuddered. He really hated that thing Zoltarians did with their teeth! "I don't want to go
    with her."
    "I'm sorry, Slick. I do like you& as a& peripheral device, but this is my brother's life we're
    talking about. There's nothing I can do. Once we switch for him, we'll see if we can get you
    back again."
    Kerreth was not going with the Zoltarians. No. No. No.
    Once the pirates realized they'd been swindled, they'd kill him in a nanosecond and then
    come straight after the Sugarbabe and its entire crew.
    He could not let that happen.
    Lucky had been innocent in more ways than one; she didn't know everyone was after the
    Heart of the Merchandiser. He had talked his way onto this ship; he couldn't put them in
    mortal danger because of it.
    "Red, you can't do this trade. There is something I have to "
    "Please don't make this harder, Slick." She blocked him out and flipped the mute off before
    she could change her mind. "Okay, Captain Kokol. I'll agree to your terms."
    "Wait!" Kerreth tried to stop her; but it was already a done deal.
    "Excellent!" Pleased, the Captain sat back in her chair. "There is one more minor thing& "
    "I told you not to trust her."
    "I still want the Heart of the Merchandiser."
    "What?" Lucky gasped.
    Wildcat spoke up. An android was one thing; the jewel was something else. "Don't you think
    you're getting enough as it is, Kokol, my darling cutthroat? I just hitched a little ride, after all."
    She laughed. "Enough will be enough when it is enough."
    Her response befuddled SpinDrift's Floop brain. "Braaak!" His half-eaten snack fell out of
    his claw.
    Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html
    Lucky had had enough. "Heart of the Merchandiser? Ugh! I have no idea where that stupid
    thing is! I'm starting to wish I never heard of it."
    "Don't play coy with me."
    All humor suddenly gone, the female pirate extended the nail of her index finger. The
    lethal-looking talon pressed immediately against her brother's throat, right above the carotid
    She at least warned Lucky. "One slice will be all it will take."
    Wildcat was not loving this turn of events. He spoke in a calm, yet deadly voice. "This is not
    very neighborly of you, Kokol. I won't like you as much if you slice my throat."
    "While I admire your pluck, Cat, you should remember that I can keep you alive while still
    delivering a considerable amount of damage. Your sister would still pay to get you back; you
    just wouldn't be in such good shape."
    She pressed her nail along the skin of his throat. A bead of blood bubbled up.
    Wildcat's eyes locked with the Zoltarian. "And here I thought you cared, Kokol."
    "It's just business, lover."
    Lucky clenched her fists. The last thing any of them wanted was for Wildcat to get hurt.
    "What should I do, Cat?" she cried to her brother. "I can't give her what I don't have."
    Wildcat decided to challenge the pirate's greed. "Tell her the deal is off."
    "No!" Lucky screamed. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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