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    1. Load the WSNDemo application configured and compiled with APP_USE_OTAU
    defined as 1 in the configuration.h file:
    a. Program the serial boot loader bootstrap
    bootloaderOTAU_ATmega128RFA1.hex file located in the
    Root>\Bootloader folder of the SDK according to platform specific
    b. The application image should be converted to *.srec format and
    installed using the serial boot loader interface, as described in
    Section 4.5.3.
    c. The device is able to act as an OTA client, as defined in [30].
    2. Program another device with the Runner application, which is available in the
    \Evaluation Tools\Runner\ directory of the SDK. The Runner
    node acts as OTA server, as defined in [30].
    Once the images are programmed and WSNDemo devices are joined to the network,
    follow the instructions given in Section 4.5.3 to update firmware over the air.
    9.5 Reserved hardware resources
    Table 9-7. Hardware resources reserved by the stack on ATmega128RFA1.
    Resource Description
    Processor main clock 8MHz from internal RC oscillator
    TRX24 Radio
    ATmega ports PG3, PG4 Asynchronous timer interface
    Timer/Counter 2 Asynchronous timer
    Timer/Counter 4 System timer
    External IRQ4 Wake up on DTR
    EEPROM Storage for user settings accessible via persistent data server
    PE0..PE2, PG5 External DataFlash, when OTAU functionality is used
    Atmel AVR2052
    Atmel AVR2052
    10 Appendix A-4: UC3 specifics
    10.1 Getting started
    10.1.1 Required hardware
    Before installing and using the Atmel BitCloud SDK for the Atmel 32-bit AVR UC3,
    make sure that all necessary hardware is available:
    1. Two or more Atmel EVK1105 boards [18].
    2. Two or more radio extender boards [17].
    3. Connectors for each EVK1105 board:
    a. Five two-wire cables.
    b. One USB 2.0 A/Mini-B cable.
    4. Atmel AVR JTAGICE mkII.
    10.1.2 Hardware setup
    To prepare the hardware:
    1. Install the J12 and J16 extension headers on the board (if not already installed).
    2. Install the JTAG pin header on the board (if not already installed).
    3. Use several two-wire cables to connect J16 pins to the corresponding pins on the
    REB231 boards, as indicated in Table 10-1.
    Table 10-1. EVK1105 to radio extender board REB231 pin mapping.
    EVK1105 J16 pin REB231 pin
    1 30
    2 29
    3 28
    4 27
    5 38
    6 26
    8 25
    9 22
    10 20
    10.1.3 System requirements
    Before using the SDK, please ensure that the following system requirements are met
    by your PC and development environment.
    Table 10-2. System requirements for UC3.
    Parameter Value Note
    CPU Intel Pentium III, or
    higher, 1GHz
    RAM 512MB
    Free space on hard disk 200MB
    JTAG emulator AVR JTAGICE mkII Required to upload firmware onto
    emulator with cable the boards and debug through
    JTAG (see Section 10.2.3)
    Parameter Value Note
    Operating system Windows 2000/XP
    IDE IAR Embedded Required to upload firmware
    Workbench 32-bit AVR images through and develop
    applications using the API (see
    (with IAR C/C++ Compiler
    Section 5.2).
    for 32-bit AVR AVR32 GNU Toolchain is needed
    only to install the USB VCP driver.
    Atmel AVR32 GNU
    Toolchain v2.4.2
    Java Virtual Machine Java Runtime Required to run the WSNMonitor
    Environment (JRE) 6, or application
    Note: 1. Users are strongly encouraged to use the specified versions of IAR C/C++
    Compiler for 32-bit AVR. Other versions are not supported, and may not work.
    10.1.4 Installing the SDK
    Proceed with the following installation instructions:
    1. Download the archive to your PC and unpack it into an empty folder with no blank
    spaces present in the directory path. The following SDK folders and files will be
    Table 10-3. The SDK file structure.
    Directory/file Description
    \Documentation Documentation for the Atmel BitCloud software
    \Evaluation Ready-to-use image files for evaluating
    Tools\WSNDemo (Embedded) WSNDemo. Refer to Section 10.3 for the
    description of the images
    \Evaluation Contains the WSNMonitor installer
    Tools\WSNDemo (WSN Monitor)\
    \BitCloud\Components\ Header files for the BitCloud stack
    Root>\BitCloud\Components\BSP\ BSP
    \BitCloud\lib Library files for the BitCloud stack
    \Applications\ Source files for the sample applications
    2. Install IAR Embedded Workbench for Atmel AVR32 [21], if not already installed
    on your PC. Be sure to install only the supported version of IAR Embedded
    Workbench, as specified in Table 10-2.
    a. Add a Windows environment variable named IAR_AVR32_HOME, and
    set its value to the IAR Embedded Workbench installation directory (for
    a default installation, it is C:\Program Files\IAR
    Systems\Embedded Workbench 5.4_0). To do this, go to Control
    Panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables, click New
    below the System variables list, and enter Variable Name and Variable
    Value. This step is required if you plan to build embedded images using
    IAR Embedded Workbench from the command line.
    3. Install AVR32 GNU Toolchain [20], if not already installed on your PC.
    Atmel AVR2052
    Atmel AVR2052
    4. Download and install Java Runtime Environment [12], if not already installed on
    your PC.
    5. Install the USB VCP driver on the Atmel EVK1105 to allow it to communicate with
    your PC.
    a. Connect JTAG to the UC3B JTAG header, and power on the board.
    b. From Third Party Software\EVK1105_UC3B_VCP, run the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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